Thursday, March 19, 2009

Facebook Fail

There has been an overwhelmingly negative reaction to Facebook's latest changes. I have to agree. It seems one of the biggest problems is that Facebook took control away from users and tried to substitute what they thought would be better. People don't like it. It's unintuitive and many favorite features seem to have been removed. It's not the look that has people so bent out of shape. It's the loss of functionality.

When it first rolled out, I didn't think the changes were a big deal, but the more I use it, the less I like it. Users have less control over what information they receive and how photos and notes are displayed on their profile page, and features such as the auto-updating live feed have been removed. At a minimum, Facebook should give users the option to return to the old layout until they can add all of the previous features to the new set-up.

New Facebook seems to be similar to New Coke. A product only the producers think is a good idea. Hopefully, it will meet a similar fate.

1 comment:

Nathanael D Snow said...

Maybe, but only squeaky wheels get oiled.
It's important to remember that Facebook is not selected with money. It's more like voting.
So only the motivated will vote, and complainers are more likely to be motivated.
The new fb seems to be a bit inspired by twitter, and there are more functions.
intuitivity does not seem to be the issue you think it is.