Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Our Next President

(HT Greg Mankiw)


thinking said...

We are truly a witness to history. This is something for the ages.

And so far as Obama goes, one has to recognize the skills he has already demonstrated: an amazing self discipline, calmness, steadiness, intellectual depth, a capacity for organization.

We don't know what his presidency will bring, but we do know he will bring a lot to the table.

gerard said...

Here in Europe we are also very glad that Mr. Obama is going to be the next president. It even feels like we have got a new president.

I am a white dutch male and for me it feels like a victory for human mankind. I agree with the former writer that Mr. Obama has the skills to become a great president. I wish him all the luck and a fantastic future. If there is somewhone who can bring peace and stability to the world it is Mr. Obama.