Friday, October 31, 2008

The Daily Dozen

  1. MacBook vs. MacBook Pro: Graphics Death Match -- the MacBook Pro wins by a mile.
  2. As gas prices go down, driving goes up. Who knew?
  3. The top 10 countries censoring the web.
  4. Law prof blog rankings.
  5. Use a mind map to organize your week.
  6. An animated history of the Electoral College. Very cool.
  7. Med student burnout. And I thought us law students had it tough!
  8. Juice up your Canon digital camera for free.
  9. David Henderson rediscovers Hayek.
  10. Nick's mathematical puzzles.
  11. How political ideology shapes your moral worldview.
  12. 10 things that will happen on the road between being in debt and being debt free.

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