Friday, May 16, 2008

Country Boy or City Slicker?

Sorry for the light posting. I am out visiting my parents for a few days -- recovering from finals before starting my new job on Monday. It's great being back in my hometown. I went in to the dentist today (the same office I used to visit as a kid). One of my high school friend's mom works at the office and told my friend I'd be in today. My friend and I ended up having lunch together along with her incredibly cute four-year-old daughter (who says she wants to marry me when she grows up). It's great having a small town to come home to where I still know people most everywhere I go and nothing in town is more than a five-minute drive from home.

On the other hand, city life has some perks too. When I climbed in my truck yesterday to head home, I realized -- between my legal writing assignments and final exams over the past few weeks -- it had been well over a month since I had driven anywhere! It's a bit weird to not drive much anymore, but I have enjoyed not not needing a car. Looks like I'm not the only one to feel this way.

I'm happy to have one foot in each world.

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