Saturday, March 10, 2007


I just saw the movie "300" with my friend Brian down here in Orlando. It was an interesting movie with well-done cinematography, but a bit more “adult” in some parts than I would have preferred. The movie was a depiction of the graphic novel “300” about the Battle of Thermopylae. In this battle, 300 Spartans and a force of about ~6,000 Greeks held off a force of between 200,000 to 2,000,000 million Persians for several days. It is one of the most amazing “last stand” stories in all of history and one of incredible courage on the part of the Spartans. Wikipedia has a fantastic summary of the history of the battle.

Overall, I’d say if you do not like war movies or are sensitive to more “adult” content, I would recommend reading about the battle rather than watching the movie. Otherwise, you will probably enjoy it. I am glad to see the movie attract some more attention to this historical battle. It has certainly made me want to learn more about it and about the Spartans in general.

The History Channel had a documentary on the battle yesterday and they will be broadcasting it again on March 10th at 5 PM and March 30th at 8 AM and 2 PM. I purposely did not watch it yesterday because I didn’t want to spoil the details of the movie until after I saw it.

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