Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Life and Times of Milton Friedman

Brian Doherty has a great mini-biography of my personal hero, Milton Friedman. Here's an excerpt:

Milton Friedman’s relentless belief in the power of a free people and the justice of a free society had vivid real-world effects. Thanks to Friedman, we are no longer forced into the armed services. Thanks to Friedman’s monetary ideas, the cash in our pockets is worth something close to what it was a year ago. Thanks to Friedman, many more people appreciate the arguments against government policies that are no longer considered as untouchable and unquestionably right as they were before he came along.

Milton Friedman was never a politician. He could never make things happen. He could only attempt to persuade his fellow citizens and their leaders, making himself an exemplar of the virtues of the truly liberal intellectual. Because of him, the world is a freer and better place.

Milton Friedman has done as much as anyone I am aware of in the last century to make a meaningful impact on the welfare of millions of people around the globe. He was my inspiration to study economics and his legacy continues to live on.

See my previous posts on Milton Friedman:

(HT Instapundit)

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