Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ali Turns 23!

Yesterday was Ali's 23rd birthday, so Triya and I kidnapped him just before midnight on Friday night to celebrate!

(click on image for larger view)

Here's Triya's account:

My dear friend Ali turns 23 today. For about a week Brian and I had wanted to give him a surprise party, but could not find time to plan one. However, the evening evolved the following way. Brian called him around 10:30 pm and asked him if he wanted to join him at Ihop. I hid in the tuck bed while Brian picked up Ali, and yelled surprise as soon as they started moving. Wish I could have captured the expression on Ali's face. He was indeed surprised. Just 20 mins back I had made my reconnaisance call to make sure he was home and doing nothing. We picked up Pizza and went to Brian's house where we had the next surprise for Ali. Brian was very thoughtful and bought him the Disney DVD Cars which had come out last week. So, we gave him the DVD and he was obviously so excited. It is one of the best birthday surprises I have (not) planned!! Happy Birthday Ali!!!

BTW!! I finally fulfilled my wish of riding in Brian's truck bed. Here's what I looked like to people inside the truck!!

(click on image for larger view)


Happy birthday again, my friend!

See my previous post on "Cars" here.

P.S. -- Methinks Ali had a very happy birthday!

1 comment:

Ali Hasanain said...

I had a blast! You guys are the best!