Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You Win Some, You Lose Some

I just found out today that I passed my Macro prelim! Unfortunately, I am ashamed to say, I also found out a few days ago that I did not pass my Micro prelim. I cannot describe the joy I felt at passing the one, or the sorrow of not having passed the other.

My results are a bit ironic because I did much better in my Micro classes than I did in my Macro classes last year. That probably contributed to my outcome. I studied Macro at the expense of Micro this summer and my scores suffered as a result.

Today’s news comes as an incredibly welcome relief. After last week’s terrible news, I had started having horrific thoughts of failing the Macro prelim as well. I was afraid of this picture becoming my tale of trying to earn a PhD:

After getting over my initial shock last week, I became resolved to not let this get me down or deter me from my goal of getting my PhD. I have certainly lost one battle, but not the war. I will have to take the Micro prelim again in January, but am already strategizing for how to better prepare for it this time.

I was talking to a friend of mine in Orlando last Thursday and told him how I always try to encourage others to keep their chin up when the chips look down and am a huge fan of the idea of “failing forward”. I said that with my Micro prelim, it’s now time for me to take my own medicine. While sincerely believing all of this, I still found that it was a bitter pill to swallow.

Having had a few days to reflect on all of this and, particularly with the good news about Macro today, I am now ready to use this experience as the launch pad for making sure my story is not one of being the guy who served as a warning to others, but instead to make mine the tale of the “comeback kid”.

Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers as I’ve gone through all of this. I will be asking for your continued support again in January.

1 comment:

Robert L. Mayo said...

And seven years after you, I too just found out I passed my macro prelim but failed micro. I stumbled across a quote of indeterminate origin that seems relevant:

"Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something."

So, since the difference between not doing something at all and doing it badly is greater than the difference between doing it badly and doing it well, I am already more than half way to being a sorta good economist.