Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Reuters Photographer Staging and Faking Photos

Powerline raises similar concerns to what I raised yesterday about the fake photos from Reuters (emphasis mine):

Breaking news: Reuters has withdrawn all 920 photographs taken by Lebanese freelancer Adnan Hajj from its database. Reuters confirms that two images by Hajj have been digitally altered, as bloggers pointed out over the weekend. (Via Michelle Malkin.)

I'm not sure what the implications of removal from Reuters' database are, but if it means they will no longer be available for study on the web, it's a bad thing. (At the moment, they are still up on Yahoo News Photos.) The biggest problem with Hajj's pictures, in my opinion, is not that a couple of them were faked.

It's important to distinguish between "faking" and "staging." Reuters terminated its relationship with Hajj because two pictures were faked, i.e., digitally altered. It may well be that those are the only faked photos that Hajj submitted to Reuters. But, in my opinion, a great many of his pictures were staged, and, in my judgment, that is the more significant offense.

It appears to me that Hajj is a member of, or sympathizer with, Hezbollah. Many of the pictures he took for Reuters appear to be staged in cooperation with Hezbollah for use as Hezbollah propaganda. Thus, for example, as we noted over the weekend, the same woman was pictured two weeks apart, on each occasion allegedly bewailing the loss of her home in an Israeli air strike. Or the same wrecked building was shown on different occasions, allegedly damaged in two different bombings.

Like a repertory theater company in which actors play multiple roles, the same people tend to crop up repeatedly in Hajj's pictures. We'll have more to say about this over the coming days.

The question, obviously, is: How far did the staging go? Hajj took many of the iconic Qana photographs. Knowing what we now know about his techniques and his apparent relationship with, or sympathy to, Hezbollah can only make us wonder how far the terrorists' claims about what happened in that village are real, and how far they may have been staged.

Like I said yesterday, one of the greatest tragedies of all of this is that it obscures much of the reliability of the information we have received about the conflict up until now. I think this will result in a prolonging of the war and more lives lost on BOTH sides.

It keeps getting worse as more examples of Hajj's staging photos are discovered.

Hajj's actions and apparent sympathy to Hezbollah serves to emboldent Israel's and the West's general disdain and distrust of that organization. On the margin, I believe this will cast doubt on many of the death toll statistics and stories of suffering coming out of Lebanon, including doubting legitimate information. This whole affair is a public example of a Hezbollah sympathizer caught in numerous lies and repeated failures of a trusted new organization to monitor the information they publish and distribute. It tarnishes all of Reuters work.

More coverage on the BBC and Pajamas Media.

See my previous posts on the Lebanon-Israeli conflict here and here.

P.S. -- Here is a video illustrating some of Hajj's "work":

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