Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Daily Dozen

  1. A larger Kindle could be released as early as this week? I was skeptical when I first read this, but then read this post and these photos on Endgadget. Rumors are it will include PDF support. If so (and PDF rendering is good), I may have to upgrade.
  2. The best entrepreneurs know how to fail fast.
  3. Will the bad economic environment lead to more dating violence -- by both sexes?
  4. Law firms: The long awaited adjustment to associate pay. Now those poor people will start out at only $145,000?
  5. "Masonomics" in a nutshell: 1) Incentives matter; 2) signaling matters; 3) institutions matter; and 4) evolution matters.
  6. A new look at old demographic myths. "Martin Walker of the Woodrow Wilson Center describes some surprising demographic trends. Contrary to popular belief, birth rates have risen in northern Europe and the United States in recent years and fallen across much of Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. In fact, the fertility rate in the United States is at its highest level since 1971. In contrast, China’s birth rate has fallen so significantly that, “In 2050, according to United Nations projections, it is possible that nearly as many babies will be born in the United States as in China.”"
  7. Ed Leamer talks to Russ Roberts about macroeconomic patterns and stories.
  8. Richard Posner has a new blog?
  9. Including home production, GDP might not look so bad.
  10. Job opportunity index. Ranking the states with the best job prospects. No surprise that Michigan came in last. What did surprise me was that Virginia came in #3.
  11. Sending cell phones into the cloud. New technology offloads processing from a mobile device to its cloud-based doppelganger.
  12. Wolfram Alpha and Google faceoff with computational search engines.

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