Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Daily Dozen

  1. More atheists shout it from the rooftops?
  2. Geography as destiny?
  3. 9 lists to keep updated, and keep handy.
  4. Wall Street's Identity Crisis: "Some on Wall Street think of themselves as the fighter jocks of American capitalism. Justin Fox thinks they’re more like bumper car drivers, “spending more time tangling with each other than doing anything useful.” Either way, now that the market has tanked and the public has turned on bankers, many on the Street find themselves switching to Plan B."
  5. Mac shipments the lowest they've been in 1.5 years.
  6. A new e-paper competitor.
  7. A shortage of doctors: "One often hears how the U.S. is not graduating enough doctors, and that those who do become physicians feel obliged to go into specialties to pay off their massive student loan debt. I have yet to see in any of these articles one simple reform proposed: abolish the requirement of an undergraduate degree before attending medical school, and turn medical school into a five or six-year post-high school program instead. This would eliminate two or three years of debt, and, perhaps even more important, the opportunity costs of two or three years of college."
  8. It's time for a netbook with a butterfly keyboard.
  9. Kindle tip: How to change line spacing.
  10. Track the swine flu on Google Maps.
  11. The Netbook Effect: "Laptops over $1,000 are basically dead."
  12. Three products for people who carry too much stuff on the plane. One of these would have come in handy when I was making all those international trips.

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