Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Give President Obama a Grade

OUCH! A poll on (Hardly a right-leaning organization.)

Here is a trend of Presidential approval from RasmussenReports. Not quite as pronounced, but it does look like people are becoming increasingly dissatisfied.

See related MSNBC content:


Jason said...

Brian, you are just not serious. How can you link to a web poll while serious polls show the President in the 60-75% approval range?

thinking said...

I agree with Jason. The web poll means nothing...regardless of whatever political leanings MSNBC has, anyone can vote on their website and I wouldn't be surprised if a far right website like the alerted their members to this poll to skew the results.

As for Rasmussen, he does tend to show a right wing bias.

Serious polls not only show a high approval rating for Obama, but approval ratings for Congressional Democrats on the rise, while approval ratings for the Congressional Republicans remain in the pits. So Republican obstructionism is only costing them more and more.

But that's OK...the more the far right denies reality, the less effective they will be because they will never admit their flaws and adjust.

Let's face reality: this is the time for the center left to ascend. The far right has blown it, and it will take a while for the Republicans to come back.

This so reminds me of a mirror image of 1980-81. Then it was Democrats who had run out of ideas, who were just spouting the usual pablum, always looking back to their heroes of long ago, while the Republicans seemed to percolate with fresh ideas and a can-do spirit.

Now it's the Republicans who seem out of ideas, and who look back to their last hero in Reagan, while the Democrats percolate with ideas and energy.

Look at the Obama administration: they are light years ahead of the Bush administration in terms of intellect and competency. For instance, we have a Nobel Laureate physicist as head of the Dept of Energy. As head of FEMA, we have the person who headed emergency services in FL for the last 8 other words, someone with far more experience than the pitiful person Bush chose, whose only experience was as a breeder of Arabian horses.

We have an administration that actually looks at the evidence, that respects science and intellect, and that actually is quite pragmatic.

Then there's the Republicans...led by such figures as Rush Limbaugh, Joe the Plumber, and Sarah Palin. What is sad about them is not only that they are lacking in ideas or knowledge, but that they actually take pride in their ignorance and show contempt for intellectualism.

As long as the Republican party is led by those type of figures, I'll take my chances with Obama and his crew any day.

Zac said...

The problem with polls that ask "is the president doing a good job" is that people actually want even worse policy than what is being created. Buy American, large fiscal "stimulus", increased regulation. The average American is xenophobic and economically illiterate.

@thinking- to paraphrase the sage of Baltimore, when the government is percolating with ideas and energy is when the people suffer the most. The best we can hope for from government is obstructionism and gridlock.