Friday, March 20, 2009

The Daily Dozen

  1. Geography of a recession.
  2. MSI's newest netbook gets over 13 hours of battery life? Why didn't they have these when I was traking all those flights to Japan?
  3. World economy to shrink for first time in 60 years?
  4. How the Fed failed to tell Obama about the bonuses. Makes you wonder what else the Fed and the White House aren't communicating about?
  5. Bill of attainder?
  6. The House proves they simply don't know what they're doing? I've suspected that for years...
  7. "Life is rather too short to spend it getting angry at remote strangers." Indeed.
  8. No wonder Obama uses a teleprompter. Maybe people have been misunderestimating his rhetorical ability?
  9. Wal-Mart awards their hourly employees for doing good. Bonuses not funded by taxpayers? How dare they!
  10. Find a Tea Party near you.
  11. Tyler Cowen on quantitative easing.
  12. Facebook users hate redesign. With a 94% disapproval rating.

1 comment:

thinking said...

The key about the Walmart bonuses is that they are tied to company performance, as they should.

The problem with all of these executive bonuses, and indeed, their entire compensation schemes, seems to be that the executives get rewarded no matter what, whether they succeed for fail. It's the same w/ their golden parachute provisions.

For many executives, accountability is what they preach to their rank and file employees, but do not live by.

That being said, I think this obsession with the AIG bonuses is getting into too much of a witch hunt mentality. The problem is with the system that is so skewed to the top executives, and that needs to be corrected. The past incentive system has only rewarded execs for taking ever greater risks with other people's money.

As to the Fed not telling the White House about these have to keep in mind these guys are trying to keep the economy from going off the's not like they have the luxury of communicating on the small issues, and this in the grand scheme of things is a small issue.

As to Obama's rhetorical ability, I think most people can only dream of having such limits. It's funny to see people try to criticize him over meaningless issues, such as using a teleprompter at certain occasions.