Monday, January 26, 2009

The Daily Dozen

  1. Cooling chips with thermoelectrics.
  2. Cut-down on book hoarding.
  3. The biggest secret of photography:  Take your camera everywhere.  I was talking about this with a friend yesterday after pulling my camera out to snap a spontaneous moment yesterday.  I cannot agree with this advice strongly enough.
  4. "This recession is not a failure of market economics. It is a reassertion of market economics after a decade in which we paid ourselves more than we were producing, and funded it precariously and temporarily by complicated credit instruments that it took a while for the market to rumble."
  5. The ultimate bachelor pad.
  6. Theater economics: Why so few sequels?
  7. 10 financial commandments for your 30s.
  8. Is higher education the next bubble?
  9. America's most wired cities.  I moved from Orlando, FL (#4) to Washington, DC (#3).  Does that mean Atlanta is my next move?
  10. The Palm Pre definitive FAQ.
  11. Many of the recipients of federal bailout funds are also major political donors.
  12. Support for real education and a call for outcomes.

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