Monday, December 22, 2008

The Daily Dozen

  1. It's a Narnia Christmas.
  2. New eBook Reader undercuts Kindle and Sony Reader prices, reads PDFs.
  3. The dangers of overplanning.
  4. A good argument for shooting in RAW.
  5. 2008, the year in photographs (part 3 of 3).
  6. Doctors modify a a cell phone to analyze blood to detect HIV, malaria , and more. If this type of medical instrumentation became more widespread, it could be a tremendous boon for the developing world.
  7. Do you really want to live in a world where inflatable apes are banned?
  8. Windows XP availability extended; Vista still the leper OS for some.
  9. Nice conservatives and mean liberals? Or maybe the world is a little more complex than that? Here is more on the essence of Scrooge.
  10. Japan exports decline 27%?
  11. Are these 31 deadly time-wasting mistakes killing your company?
  12. To 10 most awesome approaches to photography.

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