Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What's A Libertarian To Do?

Several libertarians share contrasting views of who they're going to vote for and why:

DAVID POST: Why I'll be voting for Obama: "I consider myself a 'pragmatic libertarian' – I’m not a big fan of the state, I believe that power inevitably corrupts, that individuals, when left to their own devices, are capable of remarkable feats of self-organization and problem-solving, and that the freedoms of speech, conscience, and association are, by far, our most precious ones and need to be zealously protected from the folks with the monopoly on coercive force."

On the other hand, Manny Klausner says that libertarians in battleground states should probably vote for McCain, however reluctantly.

UPDATE: Charles Martin: Why I'll be voting for McCain.

1 comment:

l4k said...

Apparently, libertarians can be so stupid. Divided government is liberty's best friend.

But since one vote will not determine the outcome of the election, why wouldn't a libertarian register a protest vote for Barr or Baldwin?