Thursday, November 06, 2008

GRE Scores By Field of Study

Economics ranks #4.


Unknown said...

Since the quantitative and analytical scores have a higher mean than verbal scores, the list is biased in favor of disciplines that require better quantitative skills.

Shawn said...

...when did there become three components to GRE scores? Or *were* there three, and now there are two and a writing score? I just took my GRE a year (less) ago, and only had verbal/quant (each out of 800), and writing (out of 6).

dr. n...not sure I follow you there: isn't this just saying that, among professions scoring the highest on gre, verbal scores are not valued/particularly highly scored?

An interesting chart would be to see where the highest verbal scorers are working.

Warren said...

How is the math quantitative not almost 800?