Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Daily Dozen

  1. What gender is your blog?
  2. Using the Internet is good for the brain.
  3. Mathematical symbols.
  4. The Kindle saves space, but can it save money?
  5. Nanotech material that doesn't get wet even when wet.
  6. Commission on torture under the Bush administration and restoring the rule of law.
  7. Sony's new eBook reader: Blinding glare kills all improvements. Looks like I'll still be waiting for the Kindle 2.0. (Coming in early Q1 of 2009.)
  8. Instapundit asks an interesting question: "If sexual harassment training makes men feel uncomfortable on account of their sex, isn’t it, you know, creating a hostile environment?"
  9. Housing and the Business Cycle. [PDF] A paper by Ed Leamer.
  10. Turn your laptop into a wireless hotspot.
  11. Is the 2008 election a realignment?
  12. What would the Great Depression look like in 2009?

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