Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Daily Dozen

  1. Which mutual fund should I invest in? (It doesn't matter as much as you might think.)
  2. Create bulleted notes and get things done with Notable.
  3. Mutating viruses to death using forced evolution.
  4. Setting goals for the present, not the future.
  5. Academic job market advice.
  6. The Bible or the Bard? A quiz to test whether you can tell a quote comes from Scripture or Shakespeare. (I'm ashamed to say I only scored 8 out of 10.)
  7. Economists' advice for the President-elect.
  8. The art of note taking in the digital age.
  9. Billy Graham at 90. (John Piper also pays tribute.)
  10. Russ Roberts interviews Arnold Kling in a podcast about the current financial mess.
  11. What's a free customer worth? An article by Chris Anderson.
  12. Economic consequences of religious liberty.

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