Monday, November 10, 2008

The Daily Dozen

  1. "A Mind Like Water" - ZTD Guru Leo Babauta.
  2. Why are American atheists less happy and cooperative?
  3. 10 gadgets bonafide flashpackers should carry. (Click here if you're wondering what a "flashpacker" is.)
  4. Want better schools? Hire better teachers.
  5. iPhones more reliable than Blackberries and Treos.
  6. Why are correct answers in medical research so hard to achieve?
  7. 5 useless gadgets you should throw out right now.
  8. Which undergrad majors do best on the LSAT?
  9. Free your iPod from iTunes.
  10. Do right-wing ideas keep failing?
  11. Popular Science names 100 "Best of What's New" technologies.
  12. A really cool collection of animations for teaching statistics.

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