Thursday, August 14, 2008

Instant Camera Tripod For the Traveler

Forget your tripod? Use a lamp instead!
For anyone who has ever forgotten to bring along their camera tripod while traveling, this little tip may come in handy. It comes to us courtesy of Dell’s Digital Life: Your Blog. Here it is: Just about every camera (even point-and-shoot cameras) has a little hole on the bottom so you can screw the camera onto a tripod. Did you know, though, that the screw coming out of the top of a tripod is the same size as the screw that comes out of the top of many living room lampshades? That means, if you’re ever caught indoors without a tripod, you can just unscrew the top of a nearby lamp and screw your camera on instead. Instant tripod.
(HT James Kendrick)

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