Thursday, August 14, 2008

Beijing Is All Dressed Up, With No One To Go

China has to bus in cheer squads to fill empty seats:
Just like the Oscars have "seat-fillers" to hide the empty seats when people go to the bathroom, the Chinese are busing in state-trained "cheer squads" to fill the surprising numbers of empty seats at the Olympics.

Dressed in identical bright yellow t-shirts, the cheer squads are meant to improve the Olympic atmosphere and avoid embarrassing television shots of all the no-shows at the Games. As the Washington Post notes, "The U.S. softball team played in a stadium only about 30 percent full on Tuesday, while the day before, 10 of 18 venues did not reach 80 percent capacity."

Officials blame the poor crowds on everything from the weather to strict visa regulations to spectators not wanting to watch the less exciting sports.

Beijing hotel owners, who were expected to be some of the biggest beneficiaries of the 2008 Olympics, have been underwhelmed by the amount of business the Games have brought. From the Washington Post: "'Business is worse than at this time last year,' said a receptionist at a 22-room hotel in Beijing's Chongwen district, where rooms cost $28 a night. 'It's the season for traveling and last year the hotel was full. The Olympics should have brought business to Beijing, but the reality is too far from the expectation.'"

While no where near as bad as faking fireworks or falsifying singing children, this is still kind of sad. My guess is that China has restricted admission so much due to security concerns, they've made it far too much of a hassle for most Chinese citizens to bother attending. The Chinese government has made far too many enemies within their own country to allow unsecured access to their average citizen... and it shows!

1 comment:

Nathanael D Snow said...

At least they have subsidized a great show for the rest of us. I recommend they host the Olympics from now on, and pay for it themselves.