Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Look At the Presidential Candidates

A look into the history and personal lives of the two presidential candidates.
(23 photos in all)

1 comment:

thinking said...

There is no contest.

Sen Obama is a gifted, unique figure in American politics who, if elected, will be a President of historic proportions. We already see by the reaction overseas how much he can transform the nation and indeed the world for the better.

If elected, almost immediately the reputation of this nation will skyrocket, not to mention the state of race relations in this country.

His communication skills rival the very greatest, and that is crucial in the role of president.

I don't agree with him on all of his policies, but he definitely can lead and inspire the nation. No one can doubt that he is qualified for the job, or has the intellectual skills.

Unfortunately, Sen McCain is not qualified for the role. He seems to just kind of wing it in running his campaign, and proves almost daily that he lacks the basic understanding and competency to be president. I liked him 8 to 10 years ago, but now he is a shadow of his former self, forced to make too many political compromises.

His ideas are outdated, as his template for perceiving the world seems to date back decades. The people he surrounds himself with are some of the most scurrilous in politics, and it is clear they believe in playing a very divisive game.

There really is no contest in this year's election. The only way that McCain can win is if the forces of ignorance and racism win out.