Friday, July 18, 2008

Katee & Joshua and A Return to Bollywood

Yesterday, I couldn't find any videos of Katee and Joshua dancing from Wednesday night's So You Think You Can Dance. I was sad to find out they got re-partnered on Wednesday's show -- Joshua with Courtney Gliano and Katee with Will Wingfield.

In honor of Katee's and Joshua's wonderful dancing, here is a montage of some of their time greatest moments together:

After Katee and Joshua's incredible Indian dance, Wednesday night's show started with a return to Bollywood -- this time with all ten finalists performing together:

Katee appears to be the viewer's favorite dancer on the show by a wide margin.

Here are Katee and Will's two dances from Wednesday's show:
And Joshua and Courtney's:
I am sad not to see more routines by Katee and Joshua, but it's interesting to see how their talent comes through as they adapt to new dance partners. They both continue to impress.

See my previous posts on Katee and Joshua:

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