Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Advice for Setting Up A Home Office

Some good advice for setting up a home office from a couple of productivity gurus:

Susan Sabo from Productivity Cafe

My top piece of advice in setting up an office that many people don’t consider is: be sure to take whether you’re right or left handed into account. Your orientation will impact where vital components are situated from your lighting to file location to monitor & keyboard location.

If you have a desk light it should not cast a shadow on your work over your writing hand. Thus, lefties should have a desk light in the upper right corner of their desktop and visa versa for righties. Your keyboard and monitor should be positioned so that you can put paper and pen on your natural writing side. I’ve worked with clients that have to continually reach over their keyboard to write. It’s a slow and uncomfortable position.

Leo Babauta from Zen Habits

Begin forming diligent work habits from Day 1: if you allow yourself to lay on the couch and watch TV instead of working, this will become
your habit. Instead, develop a routine that will find a balance between getting the work done and enjoying your home office. That routine might include:

  • Showering and dressing before you work (you’re more productive that way).
  • Making a list of the 3 things you want to accomplish today.
  • Starting on the first thing on that list before you check email.
  • When you finish a task on your list, reward yourself with something fun.
  • Only check email twice a day.

Your individual routine will vary depending on your style and needs, but the key is to have a routine and make it a habit.

Follow the link for advice from many more.

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