Monday, November 19, 2007

Master Your Digital SLR: Program Mode

Some excellent advice for moving away from automatic settings on your digital SLR:

You ponied up for a digital SLR camera because you hated the shutter lag on your little point-and-shoot. The good news: Your photos have improved! The bad news? You know they could be even better—if only you dared to let go of the camera's "auto" mode. It's as if you've been creeping around the neighborhood in a new Mustang using only first gear. No more! It's time to take control, hit the highway, and learn what you can do in program mode.

In auto mode your camera makes just about all the decisions for you. Sure, you frame the subject and push the shutter release button, but you never have to think about things like exposure or whether you need to use a flash; the camera handles all of that for you. Most of the time it does a pretty good job, even if the results are a little less than artistic. Switching to program mode, however, allows your camera to make some decisions for you, but also puts three things in your control: the flash, the ISO value, and the white balance.

Let's start! Put the camera in program mode by turning the mode dial to "P" as pictured above.

Follow the link for some excellent advice about how to best control your camera's flash, ISO, and white-balance settings.

1 comment:

Top Rated Cameras said...

This is such a helpful post. I totally agree with what you are trying to point on your article. I am new to photography and I'm on the process of learning some basic shots particularly with different light settings as well as the programs on my camera. :) I learned a lot from your post and I hope you post some more techniques on photography! :D Keep it up!