Friday, November 30, 2007

Inflatable Concrete?

The newest pop-up shelter:
When's the last time you thought about the future of pop-up shelters? Yesterday, right? No, probably not. But, in all seriousness, pop-up shelters are something the world should pay attention to. Natural disasters, war and violence certainly aren't slowing down, so the need for a pop-up shelter that is quick, efficient and durable. That's where the Concrete Canvas comes in.

Designed by Peter Brewin and Will Crawford, the Concrete Canvas, or "CC01" as it's called, is a rapidly deploy-able shelter that only requires air and water for construction and could very well revolutionize operation of emergency response situations. Due to it's touch concrete exterior, it will provide more stable and sanitary medical centers, field offices and accommodations in extreme climates and conditions. The Concrete Canvas can be constructed in under 40 minutes by pretty much anyone, as no experience is required. And, not only is it ready to use in 2 hours, but it has a shelf life of 10 years (as opposed to the 2 year life of tent shelters).
Follow the link for much more.

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