Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Goldmine of Religious Data

The Association of Religious Data Archives (ARDA) is a collection of comprehensive statistics on religion (both domestic and international) and is designed to be an easy to use online research tool for people working on scholarship about religion.

ARDA recently added an international section with country profiles containing various measurements of religious freedom and persecution levels.  Each country also has varying levels of surveys on societal attitudes towards nontraditional religions and conversions to other religions.  As an example, here’s the profile on Burma.  (Note the tabs for the Adherents, Religious Freedom, Socio-economic, and Public Opinion sections – lots of good stuff to explore.)  ARDA also lets you compare two countries against each other, contrasting religious freedom and other issues between countries.  Here are a few examples:

ARDA also has a section on International Religious Freedom Data, containing a data set they’ve coded from the 2005 U.S. State Department’s International Religious Freedom Reports.  (They also have data from previous years.)  I’m still trying to figure out how to best access this information.  They’ve also got a useful list of links to other related sites.

The domestic data has been very useful for my economics of religion research and I am excited by the recent addition of the international data.  There’s a veritable goldmine of data on religion here.

1 comment:

DANIEL said...

This is a really interesting blog...I appreciate the insights here on the economics of religious activity and Iannaccone's work.