Monday, October 29, 2007

A Legal Conundrum in the Abortion Debate

Why is one legal and the other not?

In this story, police say a Kathryn McCoy, 19, delivered her term or near-term baby into a toilet.

In this story, a Florida abortionist testifies that women ”nearly always” aborted their term or near-term babies into toilets at his clinic. (See testimony of Dr. Whitney, bottom third of story.)

In the abortion debate, no one seriously argues anymore that a baby isn’t a baby. The issue with abortion is “reproductive choice” — that is, whether the woman wants the baby. Clearly Kathryn McCoy didn’t want her baby. Why is her action a crime while the actions of Dr. Whitney and his patients were not?

1 comment:

Jason said...

Is this really a conundrum? Say I posited "action A, done by a policeman in the line of business" and "virtually identical action A, done by a random citizen". There isn't a legal problem there. (As Joe Strummer put it, "Know your rights!")