Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Top 9 Fitness Myths -- Busted!

WebMD debunks nine of the most common fitness myths:
  1. Running on a treadmill puts less stress on your knees than running on asphalt or pavement.
  2. Doing crunches or working on an "ab machine" will get rid of belly fat.
  3. An aerobic workout will boost your metabolism for hours after you stop working out.
  4. Swimming is a great weight loss activity.
  5. Yoga can help with all sorts of back pain.
  6. If you're not working up a sweat, you're not working hard enough.
  7. As long as you feel OK when you're working out, you're probably not overdoing it.
  8. Machines are a safer way to exercise because you're doing it right every time.
  9. When it comes to working out, you've got to feel some pain if you're going to gain any benefits.
Follow the link to read about each one. Some of them may surprise you.

(HT Lifehacker)

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