Thursday, August 09, 2007

Lenovo Won't Let Me Order A Tablet PC

I got online today to try to spec out a Lenovo X61 Tablet PC. I saw one at Micro Center two days ago and fell in love with it -- especially with the SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) resolution screen. With all the troubles I've been having with my Sony, I am ready to buy a new computer.

Lenovo is currently having an online sale with $490 off the regular price. I was all ready to buy one, but Lenovo is no longer displaying the high-resolution screen for as an option to purchase. (It was there two days ago.) The sale only lasts until Monday. I tried calling to see if I could order one over the phone and the sales guy also can't place an order for the hi-res option. I asked if there was any way to arrange them to honor the sales price when that option becomes available again, but the sales guy didn't have any ability to do so.

Apparently, this is not the first time this has happened. I understand there being a backorder on the parts which would lead to delayed shipment, but to not let someone place the order because of that just doesn't make sense to me. After all my problems with Sony, it's frustrating to run into another snafu when trying to order a replacement PC.

With the sale only lasting until Monday, I will keep checking with them to see if I can't place the order before then. Lenovo's ordering process seems to have been plagued with issues and delays, but their products are top-notch. There tech support is handled by IBM, so I feel very safe purchasing from them. (I used to work for IBM in PC manufacturing -- a building over from the repair division in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.)

I have used numerous ThinkPads over the years and they remain my favorite brand of laptop and the most reliable computers I've ever had. I was looking forward to having one again.

Read reviews of people who love their X61 tablets here, here, here, and here. Stay tuned to see if I will be able to join their ranks...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You think you've got it bad? Over here in the UK I can't order one with a decent spec (SXGA, 7200rpm drive Bluetooth) at ANY price.
Now that is annoying.