Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another Exam Down -- Only One More to Go?

I just took my public choice field exam this morning. I'm not sure how I did, but feel cautiously optimistic about it. (Of course that could just be all the caffeine I've been drinking.) Assuming I pass, this will be #3 of 4 exams I have to pass to be ABD (all but dissertation) in my PhD program. (My last field exam in the economics of religion will be offered in January.)

I finished the field exam at noon today and had to rush from Fairfax back to Arlington for an optional "Fundamental Skills" class for law school. I'm not quite a week into the law program yet, but can already tell it is going to be at least as challenging as my PhD program has been (if not more so). I find that to be both alarming and exciting at the same time.

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