Sunday, June 17, 2007

Family Facts: Father's Day Edition

Joe Carter:

    1. Fathers’ religiosity is linked to higher quality of parent-child relationships. (Source)
    2. Fathers who regularly attend religious services are more likely to be engaged in one-on-one activities with their children. (Source)
    3. Civically active fathers are more likely to participate in youth-related activities. (Source)
    4. Fathers’ engagement in their children’s activities was linked to higher academic performance. (Source)
    5. Among adolescent boys, those who receive more parenting from their fathers are less likely to exhibit anti-social and delinquent behaviors. (Source
    6. Among adolescent girls, those who have a strong relationship with their fathers are less likely to report experiencing depression. (Source
    7. Close father-adolescent bonds protect against the negative influence of peer drug use. (Source)
    8. Adolescent girls who have a close relationship with their fathers are more likely to delay sexual activity. (Source
    9.  Adolescent girls whose fathers were present during their childhood are less likely to become pregnant. (Source
    10.  Adolescent males who report a close relationship with their fathers are more likely to anticipate having a stable marriage in the future. (Source)

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