Monday, April 23, 2007

Sony Repair?

The repairman from Sony just came out to pick-up my laptop. If all goes well, I should have it back tomorrow, but he agreed with me that he doesn't think my problem is the hard drive. He also agrees with me that my screen has some odd flaws in it that are not due to physical damage. I hope to get that fixed soon too. I am very disappointed by Sony quality and lack of due diligence in trying to troubleshoot my problem before recommending a solution. The tech support guys I spoke to on the phone just assumed it was a hard drive issue and sent out a new one. If this doesn't fix my problems, it puts me back to square one and will have wasted over a week of time. I'd be better off just shipping it back to California which means I paid for on-site service for nothing.

The repair guy was super-nice and after calling me immediately came out here to catch me before I left for class.

In the meantime, Dad just e-mailed me this article about the Lenovo tablet PC I've been eying. He really knows how to get me drooling.

1 comment:

Thomas Van Wyk said...

Is that the same computer that dropped a mobo on you last year? (Or do I remember that it fried two boards?)

I'm fortunate that I've never had any hardware-side issues with my Dell laptop other than its proclivity to overheat lately , but I'm suspecting that may be a Linux-related driver-side issue. Either that or I have a fan out of commission. :(

I myself felt the compelling urge for a new computer, so I skipped buying from a big manufacturer and decided to buy parts retail and OEM and put my next desktop together myself. I'll be getting a system levels above what I would have got from a big computer maker for only a pittance more.

But that's tough to do with laptops.

Hope it works out for you!