Friday, January 12, 2007

How To Be A Curious Photographer

Digital Photography School has a great post with tips on how to be a curious photographer:

A few months ago I wrote a post on how curiosity is a characteristic of great photographers.

I was rereading this post earlier this week and began to ask myself a few questions:

  • How do some people end up more curious than others?
  • Is Curiosity a personality trait or can it be learned?
  • How can I be more curious?

As I pondered these questions I thought of the images that I see each day on Flickr’s interestingness pages (the shots in this post come from there). Some of the shots are just so unusual that I would never have thought to take them. Obviously there are some ‘curious’ photographers behind them - but how do they do it?

How can you add Curiosity to your Photographic toolbox?

Read the post to learn how. Here are the great shots he mentions:

(click on images for larger view)

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