Robin Hanson has his Scrooge hat on:
A student told me the other day he wanted to be a doctor, so he could help people. I thought, "What, as opposed to the rest of us who hurt people?" Contrary to the smug self-righteousness assumptions of those in "helping" professions, like child care, teaching, counseling, or emergency services, it is far from obvious that these professions are any more helpful than the rest...
Read the whole thing if you are not already convinced. I agree with Robin. Let me add that I am an equal opportunity Scrooge, I also really dislike those TIAA-CREF ads which make professors out to be saints.
I don't know if I'd have said it in quite the same way, but Hanson makes an important point. We all help one another in society through the work we do and exchanges we make in the marketplace. Christian theologians have been making this point for centuries.
Is one job really morally superior to another? More enjoyable or personally fulfilling, perhaps, but more moral? I don't think so.
Read all of Hanson's post to understand more of the point he's making.
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