Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Video-Blogging the Election

Instapundit on the virtues of video-blogging:

ONE THING THAT WENT WELL YESTERDAY, at least in my opinion, was the election coverage from Pajamas Media. In particular, I thought the marriage of cheap digital cameras that shoot good video -- all the PJ video, except for my clip, was done with this inexpensive Canon Powershot -- with lots of people having access to YouTube really worked out well. I hope we'll see a lot more of that kind of thing, which I've been pushing for years. The video capabilities of digital still cameras, as I've noted in the past, are underappreciated, but terrific for the Web.

I used to be a skeptic about the benefits and workability of video-blogging, but no more.  After the stellar growth of YouTube and similar services and the ease of posting videos, anyone with a cheap digital camera can provide video coverage of many events most reporters will never be able to get to.

We truly are becoming an An Army of Davids.  Very cool.

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