Apparently, I focused too much over the last month brushing up my macro background when I should have been brushing up on differential equations. I don’t know why I am struggling with them now. I made A’s in many engineering courses that required them in my undergrad program at Virginia Tech. (Maybe the fact that those were 12 years ago is making a difference? I hadn’t realized how much I had forgotten.)

Here’s some great advice that I came across a couple days ago that I wish I had taken more to heart this year:
These are some words of wisdom that certainly would have served me well. To be honest, though, the sad thing is that I’m not sure what else I could have done to get better prepared for the test tonight. More math review certainly would have helped, but I don’t think additional study of macro would have done me any good. For some reason, my brain has just been getting stuck in that class. I don’t know how else to explain it. It’s not so much a mental block as it is a brain stall…
During each semester ask yourself this question: Am I ready to be tested right now on everything that has been taught up to this point? If your answer is ever “no,” then you know you’re falling behind, and you need to catch up immediately. Ideally you should be able to answer “yes” to this question at least once a week for every subject.
I am very disappointed in myself. I know that I am capable of doing much better than I did. I am now hitting the books to get ready for my econometrics exam tomorrow. I sent my paper in for the Buchanan seminar today, so after tomorrow night, the only thing I’ll have left is my micro exam on Monday.

I’m feeling pretty numb (dumb?) right now…
1 comment:
Hey, while the exam was trickier than any other we've had so far, I'm sure you did much better than you think.
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