The Pomera DM10 tri-folding note-taker. Looks like it might be a neat competitor to the AlphaSmart Neo. It gets 20 hours of battery life on 2 AA batteries, has a microSD slot, and a 4-inch VGA display. When folded, it's only 1.18 inches thick and the size of a small book. It sells for $269. I've read several commenters sharing thoughts on the device. Almost universally, they say they'd much rather have a netbook for $300 and Internet access. I'm not sure I agree.
Readers of this blog will know that I bought an AlphaSmart Neo earlier this year for $219. It's some of the best money I've spent. The Neo is a no-frills word processor that gets ~ 700 hours of life on 3 AA batteries, instant on, and has an LCD display that can be used outdoors. I love it!
My Neo also has the ability to beam text to my Treo (and went for 6 months and still had 60% of the battery life left before I accidentally drained the batteries using it as an external keyboard).
The Pomera looks like it has many of the features of the Neo while giving up on several. Here's how I think it compares to the Neo.
- Much easier to carry.
- Lighter weight.
- Micro-SD card slot.
- Larger screen (better for editing text).
- Much less (1/35th) batter life.
- No IR beaming (how I beam files to my Treo).
- Less durable. (The Neo is built to endure daily use by school-age kids. I can't see the folding mechanism on the Pomera holding up to the same kind of abuse.)
- Not sure if the folding mechanism would prevent using it on a lap. (A real dealbuster. I used to have a Palm with a folding keyboard and the inability to use it when it was not on a flat surface really restricted its usefullness.)
I would love to see more manufacturers entering this market and wish AlphaSmart would develop a smaller, lighter Neo with an SD slot and better file management system. I do like the notion of the increased portability of the Pomera and could see this being a contender as an invaluable note-taking device. It remains to be seen if it will gain the popularity the Neo has among writers.
As far as not being able to access e-mail or the Internet on a device like this? For someone looking for undistracted writing, that's not a bug, it's a feature!
(HT jkOnTheRun and Gizmodo)
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