Thursday, March 09, 2006

The No S Diet

I'm not looking to go on a diet right now, but if I were, this sounds like one I'd be prone to try. It's called the "No S Diet" and here's how it works:

There are just three rules and one exception:

  • No Snacks
  • No Sweets
  • No Seconds
Except (sometimes) on days that start with 'S'

That's it.
Sounds simple and that's what I like about it. I tend to think that way too many people needlessly complicate their diets when trying to loose weight. I took two semesters of advanced thermodynamics in my undergrad mechanical engineering program and understand that the only way to loose weight is to burn-up more calories then you consume. Nutrition is more complicated, but this is the basic formula for weight-loss. All diets that are successful at causing people to loose weight boil down to this basic formula.

I like the idea of the "No S Diet" because it wouldn't restrict me specifically, would give me some guilt-free "wiggle room" on days that are more likely to be social and would be something very simple and easy to remember. Very nice! The simplicity of it is something that I think would make me more prone to follow it and much easier to stick with it without expending too much mental energy in the process.

You can read more thoughts on this here.

I wonder -- would "study days" count as days that starts with "S"???

Hattip to for pointing to this.

Questions: Does anyone out there have any thoughts on the merit of this? Anyone have any other good health tips or dieting tips they'd recommend?

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